We are focused upon creating your ultimate University experience

Redefining your University experience

Our UK-based team is backed by the innovative experience of the Gusto Group and is fully-focused on adding value to your university experience.

Our Global Grad team are building relationships with the established and new online Universities, who are themselves focused on the academic content and delivery of your chosen online course.

Our growing team of location managers and support staff work closely with STA Travel, the world’s most experienced provider of student travel, to deliver an exciting and memorable travel experience.

helping you to succeed …

Global grad give mentoring support along with all the resources needed through our Global Study Hubs located in carefully handpicked locations around the world.

Organising flights, airport transfers, accommodation, road trips, study space and examination centers, Global Grad provides a comforting, easy-going and safe introduction to seeing the world, all whilst you achieve the qualification needed to begin your career.

Opportunities to work with us, or join our team

If you are involved in online education and have courses which would suit our Global Grad students, please contact us. We want our students to be linked up to the best online courses available.

If your organisation is involved with volunteering or other activities which would benefit our students, please contact us.

Are you interested in becoming a location manager or expedition leader?  Job roles available for location managers, assistants and expedition leaders.

Simply contact us for more details.


a note for parents …

As a parent, we welcome your involvement in every step of your son or daughter’s journey with Global Grad. Download the PDF to read more.

helping us to help you …

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